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Manage your saved searches and Hotsheets

To manage your saved searches

  1. From the Searches menu, choose Saved Searches.
  2. From the top of the Saved Searches window, click Manage Saved Searches.(You can also access your saved searches from the Your Saved Searches module on the home page.)

To manage your saved Hotsheets

  1. From the Searches menu, choose Saved Hotsheets.
  2. From the top of the Saved Hotsheets window, click Manage Saved Hotsheet Searches. (You can also access your saved Hotsheets from Your Saved Hotsheets module on the home page.)

In these forms you can

View your saved searches -- The form lists all of your saved searches, including the saved criteria.

Delete a search

  1. Click the Delete check box to the right of any search you want to remove.
  2. Click the Save/Refresh button in the toolbar.

Rename a search

  1. Modify the text.
  2. Click the Save/Refresh button in the toolbar.

Run a search -- ClickRunnext to the desired search.

Revise a search

  1. Click the revise icon next to the desired search, and change the criteria as desired.
  2. Locate the Save Options box on the right side of the page (expand the Options pane, if necessary).
  3. Click the Save button, next to the Save as a Saved Search field.
  1. When the confirmation message displays, click OK to save the new criteria.

Choose whether to display a search or not

  1. Check the On/Off box next to any search that you want to display in the Saved Searches list.
  2. Uncheck the box if you do not want a search to display.

Sort the searches -- Saved searches can be sorted by name or by a custom display order. The default, or initial sort, is by name.

To specify a custom sort

  1. Locate the Sort Saved Searches Options box on the right side of the page (expand the Options pane, if necessary), and select the By Display Order option.
  2. Type a number in the Display Order field to the left of any search, to indicate the display order for that search. For example, enter 10 for the search you want to display at the top, and then 20 for the next search, and so on.
  3. Click the Save/Refresh button in the MLS toolbar to apply the changes. (Using increments of 10 allows you to easily make adjustments without renumbering all of your searches.)

NOTE: If you fill in the Display Order for a field, the software automatically checks its On/Off box.

Automatically check/uncheck all -- You can click the check box in the On/Off column header to alternately select or un-select all saved searches. The display order fills in automatically, and you can manually adjust the sort, if desired.

TIP: View the video tutorials under the "The Basics of Searching" section on the Learning Center for a quick overview of this feature. The Learning Center can also be accessed directly from the Help menu.

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